Friday, January 29, 2010

"Over 300 days of sun per year"

Many Colorado websites, tourist brochures and real estate ads trumpet the claim that the area being touted gets "over 300 days of sunshine a year." And if you count partly sunny days, this is certainly true of much of the state, including South Park.

Some of our most beautiful days are in the winter, following a snowstorm, when the sun reflects off the new snow; those who want to spend time outdoors need to wear sunglasses. The sky will be a lovely blue, often with no clouds at all - jet trails are the only white in the sky.

During the summer, at least in the mountainous parts of the state, clouds generally do move in some time in the afternoon. In the high country there may be a thunderstorm, sometimes dropping sleet or even snow in addition to rain. But then the storm moves on, and the sun comes back out of hiding. It is something to be careful about, though, if you are hiking in the mountains - lightning strikes are nothing to laugh at!

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